FNF In The Galaxy Mod
In The Galaxy Mod is an original musical adventure aboard a spaceship. Kastimagina, who has unusual vocal abilities, wants to fight with Boyfriend. If the first song is performed without significant skips, the representative of the extraterrestrial civilization will ask for the second round. It is necessary to prepare for surprises and non-standard mechanics: the absence of gravity strangely affects the gray arrow locks. Usually they are at the top, and the user only has to click on the corresponding keys when they color elements reach the level of the retainers.
But in space, one cannot count on similar conditions. Dark shapes can fall down, rise up again, blur across the screen, and even shrink. It is difficult to navigate in such circumstances, especially as the rhythm frequency increases. Even with the gaps, Kastimagina will delight in the character. After tempering with the second song, the final melody of In The Galaxy Mod will not frighten, the ability to adapt to the abrupt change of rules allows you to hope to win.
How to play
You can play FNF In The Galaxy Mod on your computer or smartphone using either the W-A-S-D keys or the Arrow Keys.
Use Enter key to begin the game, to choose options in menu, or pause the game.